packing for a move & UN-PACKING

All your Moving needs can be met under one roof at Moving Queensland. Our services include transportation, storage, house packing, unpacking, home organization, gardening, and bond/house cleaning. We will handle all the details for you, leaving you free to focus on what's important while having a stress-free move.

Time constraints can make packing a real challenge. Getting your belongings packed up in an organised, well-thought-out manner can be difficult with work, kids, and regular life getting in the way. However, the expert Moving Queensland Packing Team are here to help!

We can pack your entire household or just selected items or rooms (kitchen & fragile items is always a great-chunk of the work) but whatever you need!
We will provide all boxes, protective wrap, padding, and provide a superior packing service so that you will not have to worry about arranging that.

MQ's UnPack option is the ultimate time, effort-saving & organisational trick. Depending on your preferences, we will unpack your belongings in a convenient and sensible location in your house, or you can direct where things should be placed.

Depending on your preference, we can arrive 1 day or 1 week early at your house. We promise you won't regret it!